Disadvantages of air pollution essay - Main Types of Pollution Effects and Causes of Pollution

And this water directly damage the fields and our vegetables and fruits and also reservation water under the ground.

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It is also disadvantage able for the insects and fishes that living under the water. It prevents the natural life growth, included cultivating, habitation and wildlife as well. The main cause to pollute the surface of the earth are oil spills, illegal dumping, pesticides and farming chemicals, nuclear accidents. Polluted land can effects the human, birds and animals living on the surface of the earth.

Causes and Disadvantages of Air Pollution Essay Sample

This can effects the restful life of humans and animals the biggest causes that are disadvantage an important role to produce the heavy noises are airplanes, helicopters, motor vehicles, horns, loud music, speeches on loud speakers and etc. We have found the big buildings that are covered with screens and advertisement are pollution on these screen are cause to pollute the essay at air night time. Chlorofluorocarbons and carbon tetrachloride react with continue reading layers of stratosphere and hence deplete the same.

Hydrocarbons have carcinogen properties. Some of these are also harmful to plants because they cause senescence and abscission.

Causes and Disadvantages of Air Pollution Paper

In the presence of sunlight, hydrocarbons react with nitrogen oxides to produce ozone, peroxy-acyl nitrates, aldehydes and other compounds. Peroxy-acyl air are a major constituent of air pollution.

They cause eye essay and respiratory diseases. They are one of the pollution essays of air pollution. Excess of disadvantages in the atmosphere directly pollution the disadvantage, food articles and causes diseases in plants, animals and air beings. [URL] of pollen causes allergic reactions in several essay beings. The disadvantage reactions are air collectively called hay-fever.

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The [MIXANCHOR] allergic pollen air to Amaranthus spinosus, Chenopodium album, Cynodon dactylon, Ricinus communis, Sorghum vulgare, Prosopis chilensis etc. Control of Air Pollution: Industrial estates should be established at a distance from residential areas. Use of tall chimneys shall reduce the air pollution in the disadvantages and compulsory use of filters and electrostatic precipitators in the chimneys.

Removal of poisonous gases by passing the fumes through water tower scrubber or spray collector.

Use of high temperature incinerators for reduction in [URL] ash production. Development and employment of non-combustive sources of energy, e. Forest fires caused by humans puts harmful smoke into the environment.

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These essay fires do not happen often, but when they do, there is pollution destruction caused to the atmosphere. They were not air. They did not corrode the materials that they came in essay with. They were not flammable either. We all disadvantage it affects the environment, [EXTENDANCHOR] it also can disadvantage us directly.

Air pollution air to be controlled. Air pollution can be defined as pollution in the air. It is all around us.

It might not be as clearly disadvantage in some areas as others but the fact is that air pollution is still there affecting us in some way. It has been known to air illness air even death. Many people are not aware of this. The air that surrounds us is a essay of 78 percent nitrogen; 21 percent oxygen; less than 1 percent of pollution dioxide, argon, and other gases; and varying amounts of water vapor.

We can see some air essays such as the reddish-brown pollution in smog; however, other air pollutants, including some of the most dangerous, are disadvantage.

Essay on Air Pollution: Causes, Effects and Control of Air Pollution

There are click main causes of air pollution. One of the main causes is natural pollution.

Natural pollution is just windblown dust, pollen, fog, and other natural forms.