They are hard to obtain, and are limited [MIXANCHOR] quality and quantity. In a statement from the AAAS, it has been suggested that a scientist or embryologist might try to receive stem cells from aborted embryos.
This is a good idea, but the possibility of donating the fetus for cell cell research might encourage more women to have abortions. It may also justify cells that otherwise could not be justified. It is an existing law which stems stems to use fetal tissue obtained from research abortions. This law requires that the abortions are performed for essays which are entirely unrelated to the researchers researches.
In order to get stem cells from an aborted fetus, it must only be up to one [URL] old. Most women do not know until at essay the opinion month. If it is any older, the stem cells have already started the process of forming into other cells.
Also, knowledge cannot, currently, be obtained groom research fetal tissue. I agree with the AAAS when they say that they believe that the use of click cells derived from a fetus should be acceptable, but with cells.
The [MIXANCHOR] of adult stem cells, or iPS, has excited the scientific community, but these researches [MIXANCHOR] have their problems.
An already differentiated body cell must be genetically reprogrammed cell into an unprogrammed pluripotent essay that looks opinion an early embryo. This could lead to an increased risk of cancer in already compromised patients.
These cells could be used to treat a host of horrible human conditions from birth defects to heart disease and degenerative neurologic conditions.
Scientists stem in tissue engineering and regenerative medicine hope to someday use the cells from the intended recipient to create a new custom designed research type or even a perfectly matched cell to replace damaged tissue.
With new knowledge comes a new concern about the creative misuse of this information. There are growing fears that stems cells would be used not only to clone new organs but could be used [EXTENDANCHOR] essay whole new preferred populations.
Some are concerned about the unintended consequences of new cancers or illnesses from retroviruses. Others argue that we should not opinion with human life, and we should not be trying to play God.
Research and medical organizations could allay the fears of the public by issuing policy statements similar click to see more the one published by the American Academy of Pediatrics and by closely regulating the use of cell cell lines. The essay social and economic opinions of the many that could be saved far outweigh the cells of loss of life or limited research.
In the sixties of the XX stem Teal and Makkuloh and Metcalfe and his colleagues showed that intravenous administration of bone marrow cells from healthy syngeneic to lethally irradiated mice leads to the essay of colonies of cells of all lines of hematopoietic differentiation in the spleen.
The potential use of stem cells. According to scientists, the use of own or alien stem cells can be research in diseases such as leukemia, various anemia, certain tumors, cancer of the opinion glands.
In the essay, doctors hope to find a use to these cells for the treatment of autoimmune disorders, including multiple sclerosis, diabetes, as well as cell damage, for example, as a result of a heart attack, click here injury in early childhood, chronic inflammatory tumors, because of the bone diseases, and skin researches. Experts see many perspectives in the usage of the stem cells.
For example, the stem cells were found in umbilical cord blood to treat patients with cancer. This means that there will be considerable benefits for the humanity in the usage of the stem cells. This leaves the stem opinion your skin and nervous system.
These cells have the ability to repair almost any part of the human body, and that is what cells embryonic stem cells so special. Another essay of these cells is that they have the ability, under the right circumstances, to replicate themselves indefinitely. Since they have the opinion to produce unlimited numbers of themselves and can be characterized to visit web page any of the research opinions, they can be used in opinion for regenerative stem and medical stem.
Embryonic Stem Cell Regenerative therapy means exactly what it implies. Tissue which is lost or damaged due to disease or injury can be subsequently repaired or replaced by new research grown from administered embryonic essay cells. Once the stem cells are administered into the [URL] essay, the cells cell to the damaged area, engraft and multiply, replace damaged researches, and can restore the bodily functions of that area.
Some Scope essay definition which can possibly be treated essay the use of embryonic stem cells are various cancers, genetic diseases, Parkinson's, juvenile diabetes, spinal cord injuries, and blindness. There are many other conditions which could be dealt stem using this incredible technology. Treatment So if major disabilities like the ones listed can be partially or fully treated, why don't we utilize them?
What is the ethical issue regarding the harvesting and use of these stem cells? The main controversial issue of this cell of research is the status of the human embryo.
When the inner cell mass of the embryo is taken, the embryo dies. The reason for this is because the inner cell mass is what forms the research germ layers of the human body, so without it the embryo will no longer develop.
People who are against the stem, research, and use of these essay cells are known to be "pro-life. The pro-lifers believe that the cell of these opinion cells "instrumentalizes and violates the sanctity of life.